escape from doc savages exam room
In Abilene, TX Start Your Adventure Now!

Oh, No! You're Scheduled for the Wrong Surgery

Work your way out of our thrilling escape room in Abilene, TX before time runs out

Is it a rainy day with nothing to do? Are you looking to shake things up this weekend? Come to Eye Spy Escape Room in Abilene, TX for an excursion in Doc Savage’s Exam Room. This thrilling escape room comes with a dark twist – finding your way out before you’re taken into the wrong procedure. Make sure you only bring your closest friends and family, as their help or sabotage can affect the final outcome.

Call (325) 627-8467 to book Doc Savage’s Exam Room for your team-building escape room experience.

Escape From Doc Savages Exam Room

All rooms are cleaned with each reset or in between each party entering

Escape From Doc Savages Exam Room
Escape From Doc Savages Exam Room

Be careful who you trust. Your life may depend on it.

You’ve just entered the world of Doc Savage’s exam room. A world in which his medical procedures are starting to be questioned and patients are being scheduled for the wrong ones – including you. Solve your way out of our team-building escape room by:

Find your file to prove your identity before you’re taken into someone else’s surgery. Book our thrilling escape room today.